Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Headed to Interior BC


I know I know, the last two posts are counter-intuitive... one minute I'm welcoming spring with open arms and the next, jonesing for fresh powder to play in. Spring Skiing. In my mind it works—I'm still loving on spring.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Joyeux Printemps

Moi j'aime bien the spring, allez les dames... un petit-peu d'inspiration de l'illustrateur Monsieur Leo Fontan.

Go on,

...get those calves out!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

So Long My Furry Friends

It's done.

The squirrel man confirms it... the Mr and Mrs (yes that's right, there were two) from upstairs have left the building. Apparently they had quite the freeway goin' on—busy and industrious buggers!

Don't worry Mihai they weren't manhandled in fact, a one-way door was installed so they could casually move out on their own time... once out, khalas.

Hello Sleep, I have missed you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This one's for you

An ode to @currrry *
*(can you do that? Use old english and "internet english" in the same sentence. There should be rules. I'm sure Keats is none too please with what just happened.)

Much love xx

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

March Showers bring... friends. (Flowers would have been better)

To be honest, I don't want to be friends with the crazed squirrel that has decided to make a home above my room.

That's him. He scares me and around midnight he starts digging... I swear one of these nights it's going to chew through the ceiling and launch itself straight onto my bed and attack... I'll never be the same again.

I'm traumatized and am on day 4 of restless sleep because its digging is so bloody loud.

It's gonna eat me. And when it does... fat ass will look like this:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The things I learned at work today...

Monday I started work at the Canadian Film Centre... I was slightly nervous—but mostly excited—about walking into the new office. Film Festivals are tricky... generally you get like minded people (as P.Harris and I have discussed on many occasion, you have to be some kind of crazy to continuously come back, year after year) for the most part, film festival folk (and I say this with love as I'm one of them) are slightly out there, ludicrous etc. This group of CFC ladies seemed at first, quiet, professional and straight laced. Noted. I did my very best not to drop the F-bomb which usually flows quite easily and readily from my lips, and made sure to be caught doing nothing but my work. That's right day 1 and there was no Gchatting, facebooking, twittering, buzzing, music downloading, porn watching... you know, the usual. Piece of cake... confident in my cataloguing, colour-coding and digitizing skills and comfortable with their database... bring on day 2.

Tuesday... the sun was out all day and I felt like a piece of meat slow roasting in an oven. This prompted me to drink copious amounts of water—if we've never been on a road trip together you might not know this about me but I have the world's smallest bladder (it's in a book, look it up)... so I make my first trip to the "cottage's facilities" and what do I find...

Perhaps there are some freaks and geeks in the office after all. I love it. As the day progresses I find delight in our bathroom reading material... both perverse and educational.

As 5 o'clock nears, the conversation takes a shift: Vajazzling

I'm not sure I know where I am on the subject of the sparkling vajayjay... I'm feeling rather confused to be honest. So... I'm going on a tangent... really you can stop reading NOW.

Tell me ladies, does this really appeal? Once you've been spruced, or rather, de-spruced (and that's no walk in the park) do you honestly want to proceed with putting crystals all over the region? Really... I'm asking, would you do this? And... where do the crystals go once they loose adhesiveness... something to think about. Thank you Jennifer Love Hewitt for spreading the crazy. (I'm not passing judgement... I'm still more baffled and confused)

And fellas, really—be honest—does a sparkling bikini area turn you on? Do you want your partners running out and getting vajazzzled? I'm sure crazier things have happened in the name of... whatever. But let's think about this some... You're getting into it and BAM, blinding, sparkling madness, not to mention, don't you think it might hurt you?

Friction and crystals... I don't know. I'm open to hearing your thoughts.

Day 2 run down, Poop, Pee and the Sparkling Nether Regions. I think I'm going to like it here...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Nothing like a bit of shameless self promotion

Finally got our act together this weekend and selected a few shots from our time in Nepal to blow up, frame and wrap as a thank you gift for our generous host, Peter. We noticed while visiting his near finished home in Nepal that over the years, Peter had collected a ton of photos from around the globe. Some were his, others works of art and his most cherished... gifts from friends and visitors alike.

The colours and textures in Nepal were amazing and vibrant—to choose just a few photos was more challenging that I had originally anticipated, not to mention, it was easy to get distracted going over the thousand+ photos and re-living some of the emotional memories...

I'm quite proud of these photos and seeing them all framed well... yea.

Safe travels.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh Mother Nature

Last week a Winter Wonderland in NYC and this week Springtime in Toronto... how I do marvel your ways. Getting to NYC this time around was not so much fun... long airport delays–SNOW SNOW and more SNOW.

Once I made it, I hit the ground running and didn't stop until I had my ass back in my AC assigned seat. WOAH, what a weekend.

  • Thursday late night dinner date with my girl Vida, followed by a walk through the blizzard with a late addition to the party, Manuel. The streets were beautiful, quiet and covered (in a deep layer) of soft snow.
  • Friday, SNOW DAY! No class for Vida which meant more time to play (I mean work). A walk through the snowy streets of Fort Greene, a tasty mediterranean brunch followed by a quick trip to Budget for some moving boxes. To pack or not to pack, Manicure? Sometimes it's fun to be girlie! I should point out that all day I was getting updates via BBM from both the wonderful JK about this evening's festivities and the one and only CV on her mad shoveling adventure, where is the car? The video is impressive! It's 8:00 p.m. do you know where Justin Kramer is? Bushwick. After a quick bite at Wombat (Australian-ish restaurant), supplies in hand and a failed attempt to sing Sugar Man, we head over to 331 Vernon. A Christian the Lion hug starts the night out right, and so it begins...
  • Saturday sleep-in followed by a tasty bowl of au-lait and great french ratatouille among friends. Still not sure what the dude in the Sanitation Tractor thingo was doing... I guess we'll never know! Found some skis on the corner... standard and sent Vida back home to complete some designs and pack a box or two! Up to the Whitney for the Biennial followed by another coffee and chocolaty goodness... to be honest, at this point, all I can think about is cheese! Fondue Night and a game, or two of Celebrity.... cheese. ♥
  • Sunday... well Sunday it was ON. Gold Medal Game... there were some battling text messages flying back and forth but at the end of the day our boys took it, a home ice win... ain't nothing more spectacular! Quick trip to Tribeca, office re-design and tasty dinner. Watched some Top Chef through my eyelids... so tired!
  • Monday :( nothing more sad then that last morning push, trying to pack and squeeze the most you can out of a few hours... Breakfast with the lovely P. Harris and the sassy new redhead Miss. Teune... late morning visit with the love of my life CV (yes, there was a mini Christian the Lion involved, of course!) and a big hug from Petrovich. Met up with an old friend from NYU, caught up over coffee and a chocolate croissant... back to Laight St. to grab my bags and one last squeeze... nap in the taxi en-route to the airport.
... and that's all folks.

It's sunny and warm here in Toronto like I said, Mother Nature you move in mysterious ways!
