Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The things I learned at work today...

Monday I started work at the Canadian Film Centre... I was slightly nervous—but mostly excited—about walking into the new office. Film Festivals are tricky... generally you get like minded people (as P.Harris and I have discussed on many occasion, you have to be some kind of crazy to continuously come back, year after year) for the most part, film festival folk (and I say this with love as I'm one of them) are slightly out there, ludicrous etc. This group of CFC ladies seemed at first, quiet, professional and straight laced. Noted. I did my very best not to drop the F-bomb which usually flows quite easily and readily from my lips, and made sure to be caught doing nothing but my work. That's right day 1 and there was no Gchatting, facebooking, twittering, buzzing, music downloading, porn watching... you know, the usual. Piece of cake... confident in my cataloguing, colour-coding and digitizing skills and comfortable with their database... bring on day 2.

Tuesday... the sun was out all day and I felt like a piece of meat slow roasting in an oven. This prompted me to drink copious amounts of water—if we've never been on a road trip together you might not know this about me but I have the world's smallest bladder (it's in a book, look it up)... so I make my first trip to the "cottage's facilities" and what do I find...

Perhaps there are some freaks and geeks in the office after all. I love it. As the day progresses I find delight in our bathroom reading material... both perverse and educational.

As 5 o'clock nears, the conversation takes a shift: Vajazzling

I'm not sure I know where I am on the subject of the sparkling vajayjay... I'm feeling rather confused to be honest. So... I'm going on a tangent... really you can stop reading NOW.

Tell me ladies, does this really appeal? Once you've been spruced, or rather, de-spruced (and that's no walk in the park) do you honestly want to proceed with putting crystals all over the region? Really... I'm asking, would you do this? And... where do the crystals go once they loose adhesiveness... something to think about. Thank you Jennifer Love Hewitt for spreading the crazy. (I'm not passing judgement... I'm still more baffled and confused)

And fellas, really—be honest—does a sparkling bikini area turn you on? Do you want your partners running out and getting vajazzzled? I'm sure crazier things have happened in the name of... whatever. But let's think about this some... You're getting into it and BAM, blinding, sparkling madness, not to mention, don't you think it might hurt you?

Friction and crystals... I don't know. I'm open to hearing your thoughts.

Day 2 run down, Poop, Pee and the Sparkling Nether Regions. I think I'm going to like it here...

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